Spinning out of the world of the hit Minor Threats superhero series by Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum, and Scott Hepburn comes a new tale of costumed underdogs—featuring a low-level henchman without a leader to serve.
The Lower Lair bar is home to all sorts of supervillains, lowlifes, and scumbags… but only one of them has to puke digestive fluids onto his food to eat. $#!%eater, the humanoid mutant fly is a loser, a lifelong minion who lives to serve his criminal master. But what happens to a henchman when he no longer has anyone left to hench for?
Comic book legends Kyle Starks (Where Monsters Lie) and Ryan Browne (Eight Billion Genies) present the heartwarming, feel good, coming-of-age story about an insect monster-man searching for his identity amongst the criminal underworld of Twilight City. A grimy punk rock odyssey that answers the question “How much $#!% can one lackey eat before he says NO MORE?!”
Featuring cover art by Scott Hepburn and variant cover art by Dan Hipp, David Mack, Martin Morazzo, and Ryan Browne.