Dan Patriss shares a number of games people saw at Spiel des Jahres 2024, and other board game news.
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Spiel des Jahres 2024: (Thanks to W. Eric Martin at BGG for a great write up)]
KDJ 2024:
Scorpion Masque announced the expansion – Sky Team: Turbulence out Q4 ‘24 ($13)
In another Hot Tip from BGG and W. Eric Martin
Avalon Hill will release the latest edition of Talisman along with an Expansion bringing co-op elements and kind of a campaign element to it as well.
Talisman: The Magical Quest Game releasing July ‘24 (~$60 per amazon)
Talisman: Alliances – Fate Beckons also July ‘24 ($40 per amazon)
Ravensburger will release Horrified: World of Monsters Aug ‘24 ($30)
Lucky Duck Games will release Quartz: The Dice Game Aug’ 24 (~$20-25)
Asmodee will release Altered TCG Sept’ 24
Ravensburger announced the next big set for Lorcana called– Shimmering Skies August 24
Origins Hotness:
Dabba Walla
SETI from CGE coming at Essen I covered in April Munchkin Land.
Sausage Sizzle– Fun little Game from Inka and Markus Brand and re-releasing a new version by 25th Century Games
From the Moon– Hatchette Games, US in July?
- Unstoppable!
- Peaks
- Ada’s Dream
- Trekking the World 2nd Ed
- Tsukuyumi: Amaterasu Rising
- Artefacts
- Casual Game Insider\
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