Dynamite Entertainment announced the upcoming release of Red Sonja: Death and the Devil, a new mini-series from Luke Lieberman and Alberto Locatelli.
After she killed the Sultan of Turan in Birth of a She Devil, the kingdom dissolved into a bloody chaos of serpent cults and rival warlords vying to claim the throne. Sonja knows, the bloodshed and collapse into anarchy is her fault, so she returns to find the Sultan’s true heir. At least, that is the plan…
“For some reason we just take it as a given that the hero kills the villain and then it’s happily ever after. That’s not how the world works,” said writer Luke Lieberman in a press release from Dynamite Entertainment. “There are always unintended consequences to battles and wars, personal or global. They are never clean or wrapped up with a bow, and if you take a life, you are responsible for whatever flows out of that action.”
Red Sonja: Death and the Devil #1 arrives in September 2024.