Chris Claremont returns to the world of Wolverine, with Wolverine: Deep Cut, a tale set in the Australian Outback.
OUT OF THE OUTBACK ON A LIFE-AND-DEATH MISSION! Logan sets off from the outback, leaving behind what was left of the X-Men, for a mysterious mission. After decades of mystery, Claremont reveals just what Wolverine got up to before his unforgettable battle with the Reavers! Featuring sinister revelations and claw-to-claw confrontations with Sabretooth, this is an ideal entry-point Wolverine story for new and long-standing fans alike that simply cannot be missed!
“One of the amazing things about Chris Claremont’s work is how rich and multi-layered his X-Men stories have always been,” Editor Mark Basso shared. “In Uncanny X-Men #246, he had to move Wolverine off-stage to get to the plethora of other characters and plotlines he had going. DEEP CUT is going to finally step back and show what there just wasn’t time or space to show of Wolverine before he returned in #251, and make good on that title in all senses of the word! And, in true Marvel fashion, the story here will stand completely on its own, so if you have no idea what those plots entailed, rest assured you’ve got a complete adventure in this series.”
Joining Claremont on the book is artist Edgar Salazar.
Wolverine: Deep Cut #1 arrives on July 3, 2024.