It’s been a bit since we’ve seen Space Ghost in the pages of our four-colored books, but in May 2024, Dynamite Entertainment will bring Space Ghost to comic book stores with David Pepose and Jonathan Lau.
Greed and corruption flourish in the darkness between stars. The Galactic Federation’s territories are spread across the cosmos, far and wide in the vastness of space. At the scale of the cosmic landscape, pirates, hijackers and other nefarious actors are able to slip stealthily through the pitch black, ransacking distant colonies with cruel disregard for the innocent scientists that inhabit them. They’ve often been able to get away with impunity. Yet a powerful force is set to put a stop to this, a cosmic vigilante who metes out justice throughout the known galaxy, bringing vengeance to those who prey upon the defenseless.
Evil cannot hide from the gaze of Space Ghost!
His true origins and motivations are unknown to many. Some claim he is a policeman who abandoned the rigidity of the law. Others contend he must be the sole survivor of a war-torn planet. Or a phantom with no story. Those who have survived his wrath live to tell he is a force of nature, able to bend the very elements of creation to deal with his foes.
A surprise attack on Space Colony Omicron, home of brilliant scientist Dr. Jerrod Keplar, his young children Jan and Jace, as well as their monkey Blip. Only the wild card of Space Ghost will be able to save them from the ruthless pirates!
While this is a huge win for Dynamite Entertainment, it is rather disappointing that this character, who first appeared in the cartoon series by Hanna-Barbera, hasn’t been a staple in comics. Here’s hoping Dynamite Entertainment has the same success with Space Ghost as it has had with Red Sonja and other licensed properties.