Beckett Collectibles, a renowned grading and authentication company in the collectibles space, announced Manga Grading Service. Beckett Grading (BGS) has been the #1 Card Grading Service in the Industry for years. In this groundbreaking first, they will now set industry standards in the world of Manga grading.
Manga is a style of comics with its origins in Japan that has gone on to become an international phenomenon with its stories that appeal to a wide range of people. Manga has captivated audiences with its vivid artwork, compelling stories, and cultural significance for decades. Per 2022 reports, sales for graphic novels and adult comics reached 35.7M, the highest ever. Overall, Manga sales have quadrupled since 2019, growing 27 times faster than the total print book market.
With the introduction of Manga Grading, Beckett offers collectors and enthusiasts worldwide an industry-first opportunity. Manga collectors can now preserve, protect, and showcase their collections with confidence. The comprehensive grading process includes an in-depth evaluation of the manga’s condition, ensuring that it is accurately assessed. Each Manga is meticulously inspected by experienced graders who follow stringent guidelines, guaranteeing that collectors receive precise and dependable grading results, including the authentication of the books.
“Beckett is continuing its heritage in Manga that started with the Beckett Anime & Manga magazine. Its entry into the world of Manga grading is set to revolutionize the way Manga collectors interact with their cherished collections. It is a testament to Beckett’s dedication to preserving and enhancing the value of collectibles, ensuring that collectors have unwavering confidence in the quality and authenticity of their prized possessions,” said Bill Sutherland, Head of Beckett Manga.
“Manga collectors now have the opportunity to experience the same level of protection and authenticity that Beckett has long offered to collectors,” added Bill.
For a detailed overview of the manga grading process, questions, and more information, please visit
About Beckett Collectibles: The mission of Beckett Collectibles is to provide the most exceptional products and services for collectors. The iconic brand was founded in 1979 by Dr. James Beckett as a pricing guide for classic American sports cards. The company has since expanded into several other collectible categories with its signature pricing guidance, grading services, and print and digital tools for enthusiasts and professionals in the hobby. With over 40 years’ experience assembling the industry’s most comprehensive collectibles database, Beckett is uniquely positioned to become the world’s premier alternative assets platform.