Next year, Mad Cave Studios enters the world of anthropomorphic noir with Deer Editor, a new series from Ryan K. Lindsay and Sami Kivela.
A John Doe slaying lures a journalist into a world of political intrigue, a wi-fi-enabled grotto, and a station locker full of secrets. For Bucky, an editor of the crime beat at “The Truth,” it’s all in a day’s work… but he also happens to be a deer.
Will he chase down his last story in this antler noir series?
“DEER EDITOR is the story that has always lived rent-free in my heart,” said Ryan K. Lindsay in a press release. “When Sami and I created Bucky, we knew we’d be with him for life. Telling his initial story has been fun and personal and a place of growth for us both. To now bring him to Mad Cave feels like the perfect next step to amplify this fun, personal nature, and our growth as storytellers. We cannot wait to share Bucky with the world as a release with color for the very first time. We hope people dig this antler noir tale of journalism and dark truths, and we look forward to working with Mad Cave to give the iconic editor his 12-point place in the spotlight.”
Deer Editor #1 arrives on January 10, 2024.