Humanoids announced that the final installment of Saverio Tenuta’s Legends of the Pierced Veil is scheduled to arrive in stores next week.
Legends of the Pierced Veil: The Mask of Fudo arrives on September 19, 2023.
Saverio Tenuta was born in Rome in 1969 and studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. He began his career as a graphic artist and later attended the International School of Comics in Rome, where he would also teach. In addition to contributing to Heavy Metal magazine, he has also worked for DC Comics on JLA: Riddle of the Beast.
In 2006, the first of his own series — which he wrote and illustrated — the Japanese medieval adventure The Legend of the Scarlet Blades was released in France by Humanoids. He expanded the Legends world in 2014 with Izuna, and then The Mask of Fudo. He passed away on August 3, 2023 at the age of 54. His talent and poetry have left their mark on the world of comics, and his kindness on all those who came into contact with him.