Dan Patriss has the low-down on when we can expect Star Wars: Unlimited to arrive, the latest Marvel Champions hero pack, and more on this week’s Munchkin Land!
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FFG announced a new Star Wars CCG called Star Wars: Unlimited which will release in 2024.
Man Vs Meeple video with some more information
Angel Hero Pack, for Marvel Champions: The Card Game Sept ‘23 ($17)
Come with Protection cards and his main draw is that he’s got 3 Hero Cards vs the normal two (Angel/ArchAngel/Warren Worthington)
And the 2nd Hero release will be Psylocke also in Sept ‘23 ($17) She has Psi-Knives and Psi-Katanas and a Justice deck.
There’s a new Class for Munchkin!
Steve Jackson will release the Druid Class pack later this month ($20) and will be it’s own release so will need base game or any base set as well (112 Cards)
Asmodee will release Archeos Society a re-implementation of Ethnos by Paolo Mori into retail June ‘23
Phalanx Games will release Huang, a new version of Reiner Knizia’s Yellow & Yangtze, in Oct ‘23
And Finally,
Atomic Mass announced 2 more sets in the upcoming Star Wars: Shatterpoint skirmish game
Atomic Mass Games will release You Cannot Run Duel Pack ($90), a set for Star Wars: Shatterpoint, and a Squad pack Jedi Hunters ($50) both releasing July ‘23
Dire Wolf Announce it will be putting out Clank! for Digital
- French Quarter coming May 30th
- Shards of infinity coming soon
- CLANK! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated — Darkest Magic
- Dead Cells: The Rogue-Lite Board Game
- Wishland:Dreams from America
- Raising Robots
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