GenCon is just around the corner, and Dan has a preview of some of the new games and expansions arriving at the convention.
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Czech Games Edition (CGE) will release another Lost Ruins of Arnak Expansion. The Missing Expedition – Gen Con release ($30)
FFG will release Act 2 of their new Descent Series– Descent: Legends of the Dark – The Betrayer’s War (Summer/Gen Con? $160– and base game required)
Atomic Mass is slowly releasing more information on Star Wars:Shatter Point. Think Marvel Crisis protocol but with Star Wars. Q2 (June ‘23 $160?)
Gale Force Nine will release Star Trek: Away Missions, July ‘23.
25th Century games will release a solo card game Resist! April ‘23 ($25)
Elder Scrolls- Chip Theory Games
HEXplore It: Fall Of The Ancients
Unmatched Adventures:Tales to Amaze
Project L Reprint and new expansion (Thanks to the Great Nate-O for heads up) April 4th
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