Marvel Comics announced Loki is getting a four-issue mini-series from writer Dan Watters and German Peralta.
Here is the description from Marvel Comics:
This exciting new chapter for the God of Stories will introduce a collection of ancient Norse weapons Loki crafted in his mischievous past. When they’re scattered throughout the realms, including Nidavellir, Kree space, and Earth, Loki must track them down to prevent them falling into the wrong hands. Throughout this twisting journey, readers will see Loki go head-to-head with iconic Marvel villains, provoke Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and be forced to confront the dark truth that lies at his center.
“It’s hard to say what a delight it is to be making my Marvel debut, even more so to be doing it with the God of Stories himself- taking him all the way around the Marvel Universe and back again,” Watters shared in a press release from Marvel Comics. “I can’t wait for all to see the beauty German’s art is breathing into this tale we have to tell you, full of magic, danger – and if Loki can’t help himself (he can’t) – quite a smidge of mischief.”
“Loki is one of the most interesting characters, not only in comics, but also in mythology, and his ambiguity in all aspects of his life makes him a very interesting character for an artist,” Peralta said in the same press release. “I always say that I really enjoy drawing villains, but Loki has everything. It was ‘love at first sight’ when I read the script. Dan is amazing, and I’m sure he’s having a lot of fun with it too. I can’t wait to draw Loki’s expressions, since there are always double intentions with him, and it’s going to be very entertaining to play with that, as well as everything related to his universe. Having the opportunity to draw Loki is undoubtedly a beautiful way to start the year. It’s going to be a road full of challenges, but I’m sure it’s going to be a great journey.”
Loki #1 arrives in stores on June 7, 2023.