If you miss the series Concrete by Paul Chadwick, then you need to check out Resident Alien: The Book of Love #2 from Dark Horse Comics.
Resident Alien: The Book of Love #2
Writer: Peter Hogan
Artist: Steve Parkhouse
Colorist: Steve Parkhouse
Letterer: DC Hopkins
Senior Editor: Philip K. Simon
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover price: $3.99
Release Date: December 14, 2022
SOLICITATION: The comic series that inspired the hit SyFy show continues! Asta’s ready for something new and finally makes a move, but is Harry prepared for such a big change? Other Patience residents are going through some surprising transformations, too, as Don gets a makeover, Bert encounters a wake-up call, and Nurse Ellen starts a risky new venture.
I really thought this book was finished with the previous mini-series in which Harry had a ship coming to pick him up. Thankfully, there’s even MORE to the story!
If you read this comic thinking it will be exactly like the SyFy series, you will be very surprised! The folks at that network have taken the characters and all in a very different direction! Me, I prefer the comic, but the fact that SyFy wants to give these creators money works for me!
The basic premise for Resident Alien is that Harry, the so-named “alien,” has crash-landed on Earth. In the comic, he just wanted to go home, but until that happened, he blended in to a desolate town and became their local doctor. He’s now decided to stay there, so he’s having to deal with the consequences of that action.
As with any group of humans, the people around Harry are changing. Relationships are developing, people who left are returning. It’s complicated, just like real life.
One of the biggest differences between the series and the comic is the Harry/Asta relationship. They’re more buddies on the show, but they are getting much more serious in the comic. They’re sleeping together, and now Harry has decided to ask Asta if she wants to live together. When he does approach Asta about it, her reaction is… interesting. It is entertaining to see Harry talk with someone about all this. He even smiles just a little bit!
Things are never easy for Harry, so a big complication arrives at his doorstep at the end of the issue. It’s going to make things a lot more difficult moving forward.
There’s a fun discussion between Asta and her dad in this issue—that is VERY much like the show.
On the other hand, Nurse Ellen is getting involved in a very dangerous situation in a senior living center. The people living there are being sedated to keep them “easier to manage.” You just know she’s going to get Harry involved with this, and sooner rather than later!
As usual, the drama is the big selling point in this comic as opposed to superhero action. The dialogue pulls us through the story well, and we come to genuinely like or dislike the characters. We want to know what will happen to them!
Can I guess what will take place in this book? Not a chance! But I gotta know!
One of the things I have always appreciated about this series is the way the artwork seamlessly fuses the alien with the average. Henry, with his purple skin and pointy ears, seems perfectly at home with the small town of Patience and its residents.
This book excels when it comes to facial expressions, often making it easy for us to understand what the characters are thinking and feeling. Very well done!
When action sequences happen, they’re fast and stunning! Some people will be put off by the fact that there’s not a single punch thrown in this issue! I didn’t notice that until I went back through the book to point out how the action was portrayed. It was so well done that I didn’t even notice it! That’s saying something in a comic book!
BOTTOM LINE: A Very ‘Human’ Alien Story!
I always worry that this series will come to an end and we’ll lose seeing what goes on in the town of Patience. I know good things would continue to happen, but we wouldn’t get to see them!
It’s a great sci-fi trope that aliens are often introduced to other humans so they can observe and comment on our behaviors. And that’s an important element in Resident Alien. It intrigues me that Harry is often the most compassionate, the most “human” person in Patience!
“One of the most charming and wonderful comics being published today.” -Jeff Lemire
I love this comic! It meets my need for variety in storytelling tremendously! Highly recommended!
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It’s a great sci-fi trope that aliens are often introduced to other humans so they can observe and comment on our behaviors. And that’s an important element in Resident Alien.