Black Panel Press announced it is releasing Camp Pock-A-Wocknee Dynomite Summer of ’77 in December, for those needing a little taste of summer right now.
Published by: Black Panel Press
Written & Illustrated by: Eric Glickman
ISBN: 9781990521072
On Sale: 12/20/2022
Pages: 304
Ages: 16 and up
Paperback, $29.99
Comics & Graphic Novels / Humorous / Nonfiction / Biography & Memoir
Camp Pock-a-Wocknee & the DYN-O-MITE Summer of ’77 is a coming-of-age graphic novel celebrating the traditions, friendships, and idiocy that make up summers at Jewish sleepaway camp.
Combining the nostalgic mood of The Wonder Years, the raucousness of Superbad, and the adolescent angst of Pen15, this 300-page graphic novel juxtaposes classic, black and white, comic strip art with stories that capture the tension created when the innocence of childhood crashes into the messiness of adolescence.