Expansions, new games, and more in this week’s Munchkin Land!
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Ark Nova Expansion Ark Nova: Aquarius to be released in 2023
Queen games revealed and showed off more of the new Feld Collection.
Hero Scape by Avalon hill to release next year! (Preview from Polygon)
Nidavellir Expansion:Idavoll By Hachette Boardgames Nov ‘22 ($20)
(Expansion needing base game)
Wizkidz teased Siliconvania for release in early 23 ($40)
Wizards of the coast announced DND One
Board and Dice Teased Tiletum , A euro game with Dice as workers from Simone Luciani, Daniele Tascini for release Nov ‘22
Power Rangers DBG Expansion RPM:Get in gear Sept/Oct ‘22 $30
Doomensions: Pop-Up Mystery Manor
Write on Track Only $4
Game Found
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