Marvel Comics announced a new Spider-Man series featuring the origin of Kraven in Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt #1 from J.M. Dematteis and Eder Messias.
Here is the description of the five-issue mini-series from Marvel Comics:
J.M. DEMATTEIS continues to spin new webs within the past, this time partnered with artist EDER MESSIAS! Revealing secrets and answering mysteries Spidey fans have been waiting for — prepare to explore the depths of what made Kraven the Hunter the powerhouse villain he was! As PETER PARKER and MARY JANE prepare for their new lives in Portland, a man from Kraven’s past stalks them. Who is this mystery man, and what does he want with SPIDER-MAN? Find out when we return to the time period after SPIDER-MAN: THE FINAL ADVENTURE when Peter Parker was POWERLESS!
Spider-Man: The Lost Hunt #1 arrives in November 2022.