Dan is back with a rundown of the latest news from the world of board games, including the 2022 Spiel des Jahres winner announcement.
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2022 Spiel des Jahres winner announced!
Cascadia from Randy Flynn and Flatout Games.
Kennerspiele des Jahres Winner announced
Living Forest from Aske Christiansen and Ludonaute
CMON will launch DUNE: WAR FOR ARRAKIS, the strategy board game on Kickstarter in 2022. (From Designers of War of the Ring)
Gale Force Nine will release Doctor Who: Nemesis, September ‘22 (60$)
The Next Hero pack for Marvel Champions will be the Phoenix Hero Pack, in fall ‘22 ($17)
Upper Deck announced the Marvel Legendary: Black Panther, expansion, August ‘22. ($20)
Wiz Kids will be releasing Marvel:Damage Control from Omari Akil in Oct ‘22 ($35)
Days of Wonder announced Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train, October 22.($35).
Geared more towards kids and has the familiar TTR gameplay.
Renegade Game Studios will release The Search for Lost Species, Q4 ‘22.
Asmodee announced they will publish games based on popular Netflix properties. The first three titles they will publish are Ozark, Squid Game, and Stranger Things: Attack of the Mind Flayer
Asmodee will release 1001 Islands a reimplementation of The Little prince make me a planet and will be out next month Aug ‘‘22
Lucky Duck Games is releasing Tidal Blades: Banner Festival, Q4 2022. ($40)
Burncycle Reprint and Expansion
The Grand Carnival Reprint and Expansion
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