Writer: Jody Houser
Artist: Roberta Ingranata
Colorist: Warnia K. Sahadewa
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC, $3.99, 32pp
On sale: June 8, 2022
A brand new, never-before-seen adventure featuring The Fugitive Doctor in her comics debut! Working for the mysterious DIVISION on a dangerous assignment, The Doctor uncovers something insidious afoot. Discover why this regeneration became known as The Fugitive!
From the all-star creative team that brought you Missy and Time Lord Victorious!
Cover A: Simone Di Meo
Cover B: Weeping Angel Glow-In-The-Dark Cover ($6.99)
Cover C: Yoshi Yoshitani
Cover D: Photo Variant
Cover (FOC VARIANT): Simone Di Meo B&W Virgin