The latest installment of Carlos Perez Valderrama and Miguel Valderrama’s kaiju story is set to debut in September from Dark Horse Comics with Giants Volume 2: Ghosts of Winter.
After the loss of their leader—and father figure—the apocalyptic found family The Forsaken are divided on what to do next. As they attempt to build a new place to call home, their efforts are quickly cut short when a fight among monsters forces them to move farther beyond the limits of the unknown—and with the way back blocked—they’re faced with more change as they encounter a group of monster hunters. When they learn that killing monsters has unintended consequences, tensions rise, loyalties are tested, and new beasts enter the fray! In a world ruled by giant monsters, with hope lost in memories of the past, the choice to run, hide, or fight becomes more than a question of survival.
Giants Volume 2: Ghosts of Winter arrives on September 6, 2022.