Dan Patriss is here to share all the latest news from the world of tabletop games!
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- Marvel Champions RiRi Williams or Ironheart hero pack May 2022 $17
- A Web report stated that KS Tabletop projects again broke their own record and raised $272 Million up from $237 million. Newcomer Gamefound reportedly raised $22 million in it’s first year
- Golem Asmodee will release (orig From Cranio Creations) in US in April 22. ($80)
- Endangered: Monarch Butterflies preorders are open.
- Preorders will run through 31 March.
- The Op announced their latest “Rising” Game from the line of Thanos Rising:Avengers Infinity war, HP Death Eaters Rising, and Star Wars Dark Side Rising (not sure if in US) This one is Avatar: The Last Airbender – Fire Nation Rising, summer 2022. ($50)
- Disney Sorcerer’s Arena: Epic Alliance’s Core Set will be released June’22 ($50)
- AEG announced a release date (Sorta) for highly anticipated Wormholes by Peter McPherson (Tiny Towns) for Q3 ‘22.
- Gale Force Nine Has another IP game coming from the Dune line.. Arrakis:Dawn of the Fremen, July ‘22
- Archon Studio announced release date for Wolfenstein: The Board Game, on March 31, 2022 (120$)
- Quick hit for a Portal Publishing game–Portal Games announced Thorgal: The Board Game, coming soon to Gamefound
- Motor City– by Motor City GameWorks
- Sentinels of the Multiverse Rook City Renegades
- Munchkin Batman
- Illiterati
- League of Dungeoneers
- Western Legends Big Box
- Earth Under Siege:Flashpoint
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