Ant-Man is celebrating 60 years of adventures with a new series that will feature an all-new hero under the helmet.
Al Ewing, who wrote the brilliant run on Immortal Hulk, is turning his sights on one of Marvel’s smallest heroes, and he’s bringing the unique art stylings of Tom Reilly with him.
The four-issue min-series will focus on a different Ant-Man; Hank Pym, Eric O’Grady, Scott Lang, and an all-new hero.
It all kicks off in ANT-MAN #1 which will flash back to the early days of Hank Pym’s career as the astonishing Ant-Man! It’s date night for Hank and his girlfriend Janet Van Dyne, but nobody told that to Ant-Man’s enemies! Watch as Hank’s ant-agonists band together to finally take down the scientific adventurer! But will anyone come to his rescue? And who is the mysterious stranger who stalks him?
“For Ant-Man’s ant-iversary, we wanted to go BIG with the world’s smallest hero – burrowing an ant tunnel right through his sixty-year history and far beyond, from the wild and wooly 1960s all the way to a future you’ll have to see to believe!” Ewing promises. “You’ll find out how Henry Pym, Scott Lang and Eric O’Grady impacted each other’s lives in ways they never knew themselves – but who’s the mysterious final member of this Ant-tastic Four? Tremble with ant-icipation, true believer – the answers are coming soon to a hill near you!”
Ant-iversary… good one, Marvel…
Ant-Man #1 (of 4) is scheduled to arrive on June 8, 2022.