Former DC Comics Executive Director of Events, Fletcher Chu-Fong is launching a new company, Fletch Forward Event Solutions. This start-up company will partner with publishers and entertainment companies to both provide events strategy and execute appearances at comic book conventions and industry trade shows.
“Every event is different,” said Chu-Fong. “Fletch Forward will collaborate with companies to create an event experience unique to each company’s needs. We provide every level of event planning and strategy, for in-person, virtual, and hybrid event experiences, from soup to nuts.”
Fletch Forward Event Solutions services range from securing convention sponsorships, to creating panel programming, to executing booth set-ups, from artist alley to a full scale experiential booth, and more.
“I love events and know that conventions can be difficult with much to juggle and keep track of when it comes to strategizing, planning and managing,” said Chu-Fong, who worked at DC Comics for 19 years . “This past year has been a tremendous challenge for the events industry but I strongly believe that conventions will come roaring back, stronger and better than before. Now is the time to start planning for that return and your events strategy moving forward.”
Please visit for more information. This new website will have details on services, testimonials, a gallery with a portfolio of past achievements, and more.
Fletcher Chu-Fong is a highly respected events executive, with over two decades of experience strategizing and launching high-profile events in the entertainment and publishing industries. If you’ve been to any of the biggest conventions—San Diego Comic Con, NY Comic Con, Book Expo America—then you’ve seen and experienced some of his award-winning work running the DC Entertainment booths.
Creating and managing in these environments has developed Fletcher’s expertise in program management, strategic planning, logistics and operational oversight. His strong presentation skills and customer focused attitude mesh well with any organization, and combined with his extensive network in the field, create an invaluable asset to any organization’s convention needs.