DIE!namite Lives! #3
writer: Fred Van Lente
artist: Vincenzo Carratu
covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Arthur Suydam (B), Joseph Michael Linsner (C) Dave Acosta (D), Gracie the Cosplay Lass & Elizabethrage Cosplay Variant (E), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI-F/Pencil Art), Dave Acosta (RI-G/Pencil Art), Arthur Suydam Non-Zombie Variant (RI-H), Gracie the Cosplay Lass & Elizabethrage Cosplay Variant (RI-I/BW), Sarah Stalcup Cosplay Variant (RI-J/Virgin), Lucio Parillo (RI-K/Line Art)
FC | 32 pages | Superhero, Horror | $3.99 | Teen+
Evil zombies!
Flesh-eating superheroes!
And Vampirella meets the wrong end of Ash’s BOOMSTICK!
Absolute batsh*t craziness from FRED VAN LENTE (Wolverine) and VINCENZO CARRATU (Zorro)!