Paizo Inc., publisher of the Pathfinder and Starfinder Roleplaying Games, proudly announces the addition of tabletop game industry veteran Mike Webb to its management team as Vice President of Sales and E-Commerce, effective July 19th, 2021. Webb comes to Paizo after a distinguished term as Vice President of Marketing and Customer Service at Alliance Game Distributors, Inc., where he has helped to manage the category’s largest game distributor for more than 20 years. Webb takes over the Paizo Sales Team from longtime Director of Sales, Pierce Watters, who remains a consultant for the team as he enters retirement.
“I am ecstatic to work with the team of creatives and professionals at Paizo that have given birth to worlds that I along with so many love to tell stories in. From the days of Dungeon and Dragon Magazine to now, they have been a foundational part of my work and my hobby. I look forward to new adventures, and Mythic ones at that,” says Webb. “Following in the footsteps of a man as deeply connected to fantasy and science fiction as Pierce Watters is both humbling and exhilarating. Having an opportunity to work with him in several capacities for the last quarter decade has been a highlight of my time in the industry – and he will leave a Texas sized pair of boots to fill. I look forward to working closely with him in the weeks to come.”
“We couldn’t have asked for a better successor for Pierce, and Mike’s years of experience will help him hit the ground running” says Paizo President Jeff Alvarez, “We are all looking forward to adding Mike’s energy and excitement to what we do at Paizo. His fresh perspective on the industry, our processes, and our products should help us raise the bar across the company.