Red Sonja (Vol. 5) #18
writer: Mark Russell | artist: Bob Q
covers: Jae Lee (A), Joseph Michael Linsner (B), Bob Q (C), Marc Laming (D) Katy DeCobray Cosplay Variant (E), Alessandro Miracolo “America Together!”
Variant (RI), Andrew Pepoy “Seduction” Cover (RI), Alessandro Miracolo
“America Together!” Variant (RI-Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI-B/W)
Jae Lee (RI-BW), Bob Q (RI-Virgin), Pepoy “Seduction” Cover (RI-B/W)
FC | 32 pages | Sword and Sorcery | $3.99 | Teen+
“A Children’s Crusade”
Hyrkania’s food stores are empty. The king of Khitai has the ability to save them, but he will not. But what he has not considered, is that to save her people, Sonja The Red will do ANYTHING.
Year Two continues, by MARK RUSSELL (DC’s Year Of The Villain) and BOB Q (Captain America).