Comic-Con@Home is here, and you can watch live! Take the jump to watch the The Craft of Worldbuilding in Comics panel.
Image Comics creators Kieron Gillen (Ludocrats, Die), Stephanie Hans (Die), W. Maxwell Prince (Ice Cream Man), Mirka Andolfo (Mercy), and Sanford Greene (Bitter Root) enjoy a free-wheeling conversation on immersive, authentic worldbuilding technique in comics. Moderated by Marla Eizik, executive assistant at Image Comics
The Craft of Worldbuilding in Comics | Comic-Con@home 2020
Image Comics creators Kieron Gillen (Ludocrats, Die), Stephanie Hans (Die), W. Maxwell Prince (Ice Cream Man), Mirka Andolfo (Mercy), and Sanford Greene (Bit…
The complete Comic-Con@Home schedule can be found here.