Before it was a smash hit Netflix show, The Umbrella Academy was an acclaimed comic series featuring everyone’s favorite dysfunctional family. To celebrate the series, Dark Horse Direct is proud to present their latest offering in fine art prints, featuring Yoshitaka Amano’s masterfully artistic interpretation of The Umbrella Academy comic series, originally created by Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance, True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys) and Gabriel Bá (Two Brothers, Daytripper)! Limited to just 500 available, don’t miss the opportunity to add this unique 24”x32” fine art print to your collection, filled with all of your favorite Umbrella Academy characters!
While searching for inspiration for this particular piece, Amano was on a veranda rooftop at his home in Japan one evening this last September 2019. There happened to be a beautiful Harvest Moon in the sky, that also coincided with the Japanese “Fifteen nights”, the phase of the moon’s path through the sky where the celestial body was perfectly full. It was in this moment, Amano imagined Spaceboy, and the rest of The Umbrella Academy, bursting out of the blinding moon falling upon their unsuspecting target.
“I would never expect someone like Yoshitaka Amano to do a drawing of The Umbrella Academy, but that’s what I love about this comic. The unbelievable surprises.”
–Gabriel Bá
“I’m honored to have Yoshitaka Amano take on our beloved Umbrella Academy characters in his unique and gorgeous way, as only he can do. It’s a dream come true to have such a legend create in our world.”
–Gerard Way
Limited to a run of 500, these Giclée prints are hand numbered, with a foiled Yoshitaka Amano signature and will be sold for $99.99. The Umbrella Academy Fine Art Print by Yoshitaka Amano, “Harvest Moon” is available for pre-order exclusively on and is expected to start shipping March 18, 2020.