The best day of the week just got a lot better with a new round of awesome comics arriving in stores this week. Staff members at Major Spoilers are here to help you with your comic book selection this week, with their roundup of comics they recommend.
Writer: Joe Hill
Artist: Leomacs
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: The rain lashes the grassy dunes of Brody Island, and seagulls scream above the bay. A slender figure in a raincoat carries a large wicker basket, which looks like it might be full of melons… covered by a bloodstained scrap of the American flag. This is the story of June Branch, a young woman trapped with four cunning criminals who have snatched her boyfriend for deranged reasons of their own. Now she must fight for her life with the help of an impossible 8th-century Viking axe that can pass through a man’s neck in a single swipe-and leave the severed head still conscious and capable of supernatural speech. Each disembodied head has a malevolent story of its own to tell, and it isn’t long before June finds herself in a desperate struggle to hack through their lies and manipulations… racing to save the man she loves before time runs out. Plus, in the premiere chapter of the backup story “Sea Dogs,” which sails across all the Hill House Comics titles!
MATTHEW: You had me at “Joe Hill.”
STEPHEN: Joe Hill? You bet I’m picking up this book (in fact, I’ve already read it), and fans of horror/thrillers are gonna love this.
Writer: Ed Brisson
Artist: Roge Antonio, Stephen Segovia, and More
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: A NEW EVIL BEYOND UNDERSTANDING COMES TO THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! A seemingly unstoppable force has invaded the Marvel Universe, and it’s going to take every hero the streets of New York has to stop it! A strange substance is taking over heroes and citizens alike, draining them of their life force, stealing their knowledge and abilities, and neither science nor magic can stop it! Where did it come from? Can anything destroy it? And who will fall to its awful, overwhelming power?
CHRISTOPHER: I like the themes that have been set up in the series and I look forward to its conclusion.
Writer: Tini Howard
Artist: Marcus To
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
The Otherworld is rocked by war! It is a new era for mutantkind as a new Captain Britain holds the amulet, fighting for the Kingdom of Avalon with her Excalibur at her side – Rogue, Gambit, Rictor, Jubilee…and Apocalypse.
Rated T+
JONATHAN: I haven’t been as excited for X-Men related stuff since I was wearing out my VHS copies of the animated series in the 90’s. There’s a real sense of continuity happening across all the books that’s been fun to see. Unfortunately I think it’s only a matter of time before there’s just too much of a good thing. But, until then, I’m on board with all of it coming out.
Writer: G. Willow Wilson
Artist: Christian Ward
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: A fierce beginning to arc two of the astronomical hit series! Desperate after a devastating battle, the Sundog is stranded and running out of fuel—and they turn to Vess’ breathtaking home planet of Rool for help. But just as unexpected bonds and newfound strength begin to reveal themselves . . . so does a new and terrifying gang of spacefaring renegades.
INGRID: Invisible Kingdom has top-notch storytelling and fabulous art in this fascinating and suspenseful tale of two very different women who have both stumbled upon the same suspicious scheme. It’s a little band of renegades on the run, trying to outsmart two large organizations with a lot of resources. This is the beginning of a new arc, so it’s an excellent time to jump in.
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: NECESSARY EVIL continues as the Omega Rangers return to Earth and meet the Power Rangers for the first time! But if they want to defeat Lord Zedd together, Jason, Trini and Zack will have to keep their identities a secret from their friends! Features the first appearance of the Omega Ranger Zords!
MATTHEW: This series continues to impress and the meeting of Jason’s new Rangers with Tommy’s old/new Rangers is one I’ve been looking forward to since the announcement of the Peace Conference back in ’95. If you haven’t been following Mighty Morphin’, you’re missing out.
Writer: Matt Nicholas and Chad Rebmann
Artist: Skylar Partridge
Publisher: Vault Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: After the destruction of their yacht, Nat and her misfit fellowship are stranded on the island of Oshtia. Worse, they’re obviously not alone. A mercenary by the name of Serena leads a group of modern day pirates who wish to plunder the magical paradise. As the group struggles to evade capture, they awaken ancient spirits that have laid dormant for hundreds of years. Soon, their tattoos glow with great power, bestowing the six teenagers with strange abilities. All with an urgent message from the island itself: Protect the last drop of magic.
INGRID: Six very different teenagers with only one thing in common – strange, glowing tattoos – have found their way to a mysterious island in the Bermuda Triangle. Now they’ve been stranded there by modern day pirates, and are on their way to developing magical powers. It seems like a promising tale of high adventure.
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Ron Garney
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
SOLICITATION: A barbarian walks into a brothel and thus begins another adventure in the life of Conan of Cimmeria. Human traffickers finally meet an immovable human. Black Widow is drawn into the intrigue by following the trail of bodies left by Kulan Gath’s henchman, and a last prayer from one of the trafficked women summons an unexpected angel, the Son Of Satan himself, Daimon Hellstrom.
CHRISTOPHER: This idea is so weird… it just might work!
MATTHEW: Who’d have thought that “DUDE! WHAT IF CONAN WAS AN AVENGER, MAAAN?” would make for such interesting comics?
ROBOT OVERLORD: That is a good list of comics, what are you reading this week?
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