Last week, Valiant Entertainment announced a glass variant cover, and today the company tells the industry to hold its beer as it goes one step further by revealing the variant cover to Punk Mabo #1 will be getting the flocked treatment.
“We were brainstorming ideas for a variant on PUNK MAMBO #1, and the idea for the flocked cover hit me like a bolt of pink lightning,” explained Valiant Senior Editorial Director Robert Meyers. “We’d been tossing around ideas like a leather jacket cover, or a having Flexi-disc bound in, and it came to me: SHE NEEDS FUZZY HAIR.
“Flocked paper has a velvety, fuzzy texture,” continued Meyers. “As a paper nerd, I’m super excited about this one. It’s not every day you get to do something new in comics.”
Punk Mambo #1 arrives on April 1, 2019.