Red Sonja Vol. 4 #18
writers: Amy Chu, Erik Burnham | artist: Carlos Gomez
covers: Tula Lotay (A), Billy Tucci (B), Carlos Gomez (C),
Cosplay Photo Variant (D), John Royle (E-Sub)
Carlos Gomez (RI-B/W), Tula Lotay (RI-Virgin)
Billy Tucci (RI-B/W)
FC | 32 pages | $3.99 | Teen+
Release Date: July 11, 2018
After discovering the provenance of her sword — and the fact that the original owner has promised a large reward for its return — Sonja travels to the realm of Lord Skath, only to discover a legendary warrior who can no longer live up to his reputation. (And because Sonja is who she is, she also discovers treachery and danger and a conflict she can’t help but be drawn into!)