Diamond Comic Distributors, the leading distributor of comics, graphic novels and pop-culture merchandise, announced more details regarding their PULLBOX Program at its recent 2018 Diamond Retailer Summit held in Chicago last week. PULLBOX is a web-based application that will allow comic shop customers to manage their monthly comic subscriptions, place preorders for upcoming titles and products, and create special orders all from Diamond’s consumer website, The service also provides comic shop retailers with the back-end tools necessary to manage their store’s entire pull-and-hold customer base and will be fully integrated with their Diamond ordering.
“The response to PULLBOX from comic shop retailers attending the Summit was great,” said Diamond’s VP-Retailer Services, Chris Powell. “They were keenly interested in how they could use PULLBOX in their stores and excited about the potential of a unique online delivery system for orders. We’re working hard on the features of the entire program, one we think both retailers and their customers will be excited to use.”
PULLBOX is currently planned for wide release in mid-July, allowing customers to place their preorders with comic shops for the August catalog cycle. Beta-testing for a select group of retailers and their customers is scheduled to begin in May.
Retailers will have free access to PULLBOX until May 2019. After that time, pricing will be $25 per month or $250 per year, per store location for brick-and-mortar retailers. ComicSuite users will qualify for reduced pricing of $20 per month or $200 per year, per location.
For comic shop customers and other consumers, PULLBOX will be free to use from the website.
“We want every comics fan to use PULLBOX, so they can easily track the items they want to purchase and place orders with their local comic shop,” said Powell. “You will be able to easily connect to the local comic shop of your choice and transmit your orders and requests to them.”
A demonstration video was shown at the Diamond Retailer Summit to display some of the service’s features and functionality, which includes:
Manage Preorders. Add titles to your monthly pull-and-hold list, order additional titles and products from that month’s PREVIEWS preorder catalog.
Sync with Your Participating Local Comic Shop. Powered by, customers can choose a local participating comic shop and sync with them to send their monthly preorders, special orders, and more.
Place Special Orders or Keep a Wishlist. Forgot to order a title or saw something new coming in to comic shops that you want to purchase? Customers can use PULLBOX to place a special order with their comic book shop to purchase. They can also keep a Wishlist of other items and then send it to their retailer to see if they have any items in their store.
Enhanced Search and Ordering. Customers will be able to access a more advanced search at that allows them to search the complete database of items offered by Diamond and place orders with their local comic shop.
Track Your Weekly Purchases. Customers will get additional tools to track which titles and products they ordered are releasing that week to stores, see future week’s orders, and more.
Retail Functions. Retailers will get a full suite of functions available from the Diamond Retailer Services website: Back-end approval of new PULLBOX Customers, Alerts to new orders, Set ordering dates, and Upload your own ordering requirements and guidelines. Retailers can sync orders with their initial orders online, or export orders into ComicSuite or other POS software.
Comic-Suite Integration. Seamlessly integrate PULLBOX Pull List, Subscription and Special Orders directly into ComicSuite for approval and ordering, manage new pull-and hold customers, sync customer data and individual orders.
1 Comment
Does anybody have a rough guesstimate on how much brick and mortar retailers pay Diamond per month or per year on top of this upcoming $20/month $250/year?