Marvel’s Wakanda Forever storyline continues in July with the second part of the three-issue story-arc as Ninedi Okorafor and Ray-Anthony Height brings us X-Men: Wakanda Forever #1.
The WAKANDA FOREVER story starts in June with Okoye, Ayo and Aneka teaming up with everyone’s favorite webslinger, Spider-Man! In the second installment of WAKANDA FOREVER, out this July, the Wakanda warriors meet the X-Men – including the Black Panther’s one true love, Storm! But when Okoye, Ayo and Aneka come up against deadly former Dora Milaje member Nakia, their mission turns to protecting their king – no matter what the cost…
“This story is a big Marvel-style adventure with the Dora Milaje front and center,” said editor Wil Moss. “Nnedi may be relatively new to writing comics, but she already has the voices of all these characters down cold – from Okoye to Nightcrawler. Don’t miss this one, folks!”
X-Men: Wakanda Forever #1 (part 2 of 3) arrives in stores on July 25th, 2018.