Titan Comics has announced the upcoming release of Alisik, a new gothic horror series from Hubertus Rufledt and Helge Vogt.
The publisher describes the series as a cross between Emily the Strange and Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book.
When Alisik wakes up alone in a cemetery, she thinks she’s in the middle of a nightmare. Terrified, she flees into the night, but realizes she is invisible to everyone she meets. She really is dead, with no memory of how it happened…and only the ghostly residents of the graveyard can help her unravel the mystery of her afterlife.
“Alisik started as a short animation I did during my time at Disney – something different, a bit darker, but not horror. Hubertus liked it so much, that we wanted to make a comic series out of it,” said Alisik co-creator and artist Helge Vogt, “Alisik became a part of my life. It’s the best I’ve done so far, and I’m thrilled that it’s coming out English!
Alisik is set to arrive on February 28, 2018.