Who are The Poisons, and why are they attacking the Marvel Universe? The story unfolds in the upcoming X-Men Blue Annual #1 from Cullen Bunn and Edgar Salzar.
First seen in VENOMVERSE, the Poisons pose a threat that can only be stopped by the X-Men – and Venom. When the X-Men drag Venom into space for help, it turns out that they’re going to need to save the universe from something a little scarier than their own troubles, and Eddie Brock and his faithful Symbiote might be the only thing that can help stop it!
Ah yes, the Venomverse event. This makes a lot more sense now. Hopefully the symbiote and the children of the atom can work out their differences and put a stop to this new threat to Earth. Right? Riiiiiight?
X-Men Blue Annual #1 the first of a six-part crossover event that begins in January 2018.