Star Wars The Last Jedi is coming our way sooner than we think. (Actually it is arriving exactly when it is supposed to, time moves just really fast these days.) This means we are going to be inundated with Star Wars related stories. We thought we’d get a jump on the buzz, with a poll that was a long time coming.
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Robot Overlord
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the Robot Overlord. Robot Overlord may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. The Robot Overlord contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at. If Robot Overlord begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt the Robot Overlord.
The lightsaber is used for offense(slicing down enemies), defense (deflecting laser blasts), and emergency shelter fabrication (converting tauntauns). It’s stylish, hip, and comes in a variety of colors and blade formations to let the wielder really make that personal statement.
Blaster for me. So easy, anyone can use it and they usually come with both a stun and kill setting. Any other weapon needs a lot more training, like the lightsaber and Electrostaff, or don’t have enough finesse, like the Thermal Detonator.
I chose lightsaber…however a lightsaber without a well trained Jedi is useless.
What about General Grievous? No Force sensitivity, yet he managed to use them just fine up until he was finally defeated. Cad Bane also grabbed the saber of Quinlan Vos and held his own against Obi-Wan in a lightsaber fight. And then there is Mandalorian Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla’s Darksaber. And those are just a few canon sources, not including non-canon games or “Legends” material.
Lightsaber, not as clumsy or random as blaster. A weapon from a more civilized age.
The lightsaber. It slices, it dices, it Julienne fries. You can cut through an armored bulkhead or a tomato just as easily.
Thermal Detonator, yo! Can kill most things or just scare the crap out of them.
Gotta go for the thermal detonator purely for its utility as a powerful negotiation tool. Defusing (no pun intended) and argument with the contents of a pocket seems pretty rad.
Went with electrostaff because it was the closest thing to my preferred Star Wars weapon, which was a different polearm weapon with a somewhat similar function.
I have to say lightsaber. But I also have to say that I don’t like how abdundant they have become alongside jedi.
Droids should be on the list. I send’em on a mission and I can sit at the bar and watch Twi’leks dance.
I’m on board with a lightsaber. Stabby-stabby the bad guys, cut through doors, use as a nose-hair trimmer (jedi control recommended but not required), open a can of soup, then warm up said soup just by dipping the end of the good ol’ saber in the bowl, etc. The uses are really only limited by your imagination, this thing sells itself!