X-O MANOWAR (2017) #6
Written by MATT KINDT
Cover A by LEWIS LAROSA (JUN172076)
Cover B by DAVE JOHNSON (JUN172077)
Interlocking Variant Cover by RYAN BODENHEIM (JUN172078)
X-O Manowar Icon Variant by ARIEL OLIVETTI (JUN172079)
The price of victory!
From the bloodied battlefields to the highest seat of imperial power, there is something rotten in Aric of Dacia’s new home… With an entire planet in turmoil, the mighty warrior once known as X-O Manowar can trust no one, especially those he holds dearest. But will the former hero of Earth rise and become the champion of his adopted planet…or will his growing horde of enemies crush him where he stands?
“GENERAL” comes to its unrelenting finale here as New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (DIVINITY, Mind MGMT) and superstar artist Doug Braithwaite (BLOODSHOT U.S.A.) ready Valiant’s unstoppable hero for his greatest challenge to power yet!
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | VALIANT PREMIUM