Writer(s): Caesar Voghan and Eric Granger
Artist Name(s): Justin Case, Casey Bailey, and William Bohm
Cover Artist(s): Justin Case (Covers A-B),
Photographer Mark Avgust and Model Elena Afanasieva (Cover C)
In a dystopian future, a warrior priest is sent on a do-or-die mission to save a Jesus-clone from being sacrificed during a mock Passion play. Saving the holy clone from the cross forces the monk to confront the truth of his own (very immaculate) birth.
What if Marilyn Monroe fell in love with Jesus of Nazareth and tried to save him from the cross? There is a world in which this scenario is not that far-fetched—the world of Misbegotten!
Half post-apocalyptic adventure and half absurdist satire, Misbegotten is an exercise in genre-bending wrapped around a Holy Grail journey through an immersive apocalyptic landscape of biopunk iconography.