Leading graphic novel publisher Papercutz has released a Gumby short story by Eisner and Harvey Award-winning cartoonist Kyle Baker, in advance of its new GUMBY comic book series debuting on July 5, 2017. Baker’s story entitled “Model-Ty Crew” appears in GUMBY issue 1, alongside a 10-page story by acclaimed writer Ray Fawkes and artist Jolyon Yates, a five page story by writer and editor Jeff Whitman and New York Times bestselling artist Jolyon Yates and a cover by Rick Geary. Upcoming issues will include contributions from a wide array of acclaimed children’s and young adult graphic novel creators, including Art Baltazar, Gregory Benton, Eric Esquivel, Veronica and Andy Fish, Sholly Fisch, Ryan Jampole, Jolyon Yates, Jeff Whitman and others. Each 32 page, $3.99 issue will feature a lead story and a five-page backup story, which will provide the opportunity for high profile creators to try their hand at the adventures of the “little green ball of clay.”
The all new GUMBY comic books and upcoming graphic novels are the result of a recently announced partnership between Papercutz and Premavision Inc which allows the esteemed children’s graphic novel publisher to create new material based on the hit GUMBY shorts that have found a new generation of fans through YouTube and DVD releases. Premavision also recently announced development of a new GUMBY television series (in partnership with the Jim Henson Company) and plans for a feature film are also in the works.
Papercutz will collect the first three issues of the GUMBY comic as a graphic novel, in both hardcover and trade paperback editions, on November 7, 2017.