Time for the KISS Army to rise up and check out this sneak peek of Kiss #4 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Kiss #4
writer: Amy Chu
artist: Kewbar Baal
covers: Lucio Parillo (a), Shouri (“Catman” Emoji
variant) (b), Photo (c)
incentive cover: Lucio Parillo (“virgin” art),
Shouri (“Catman” Emoji “virgin art”), Photo (“virgin”)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
Twin troublemakers Eran and Noa are back home. They now know Blackwell’s secrets, but will anyone believe them? Fortunately, they have some tricks up their sleeves, and with some help from KISS, they are about to turn their world upside down…