In November, Civil War II will continue, we promise. Which means a slew of variant covers featuring heroes at odds with one another.
Look for these exciting DIVIDED WE STAND VARIANTS coming to your favorite Marvel titles and brand new launches in November:
1. All-New Wolverine #14
2. Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1
3. Avengers #1 by Butch Guice
4. Black Panther: World of Wakanda #1
5. Captain America: Steve Rogers #7
6. Champions #2 by Mike McKone
7. Daredevil #13
8. Deadpool & The Mercs For Money #5 by Chris Stevens
9. Foolkiller #1 by Dale Keown
10. Infamous Iron Man #2
11. Invincible Iron Man #1
12. Ms. Marvel #13
13. Occupy Avengers #1
14. Power Man and Iron Fist #10
15. Prowler #2
16. Slapstick #1
17. Solo #2 by Khoi Pham
18. Spider-Gwen #14
19. The Totally Awesome Hulk #13
20. The Unbelievable Gwenpool #8 by Pasqual Ferry
21. The Unworthy Thor #1 by Pasqual Ferry