Some people really like to talk. Some like to take their overly winded speech and turn it into a massive rant on anything from Subject-A to Chimpanzee. But who is the Geek Rant King? That’s the question from Spoilerite Silvergray this week, as he pits Max Landis against Kevin Smith.
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Not sure but I think I have seen these two head to head in a POW in the past. But I’m going Kevin. I really have never listed to the other guy!
You do us PROUD Mr. Smith!!!
I’ve never heard of Max Landis, so I guess there is only one answer for me Kevin Smith
Kevin Smith all the way, he manages to sneak his rants onto to the big screen
Max Landis is UNBEARABLE. Silent Bob for the win.
I like both, and Max Landis can be trying to listen to at times, but I’m going to throw him a bone because as much as I’ve enjoyed Kevin Smith over the years recently he’s become pretty much a yes man. I don’t know if he’s trying to rebuild bridges to help his career, but his podcast is pretty much all “It’s Great!!!!” about everything moview, TV, comic books.