With the new Us vs Them event happening at Marvel, Champions looks to be a big hit among readers. Marvel is helping you get your hands on Champions #1 with a series of launch parties on October 5th.
If you are a retailer, Marvel has a Champions Party Kit for those that opt in by September 5th.
Champions #1 Invitational Postcards
Champions #1 Skottie Young Lithographs
Champions #1 Jay Fosgit Gwenpool Party Sketch Variant
Champions #1 Premiere Variant
Champions #1 Pins
Champions #1 Action Figure Standees (Second Standee Sheet Available w/ Issue #2)But that’s not all! Retailers who qualify will also be eligible to order a variety of variant covers to Champions #1 – including the Champions #1 Gwenpool Party Variant. Artist Jay Fosgitt brings Gwenpool face-to-face with the Marvel Universe’s newest super team – all as part of a hearty and nutritious breakfast. This one-of-a-kind variant is only available at Marvel’s Champions #1 Launch Parties and should not be missed!
Retailers are encourages to check their Marvel Mailer or Diamond Daily for more information about Champions and Champions Launch Parties.
So, Retailers, will you be jumping on board this offer? Fans, will you attend a Champions Launch Party at your store?