Evil Ernie’s antics continue at Dynamite Entertainment with this week’s new mini-series Godeater #1.
Evil Ernie: Godeater #1
writer: Justin Jordan (main story), Keith Davidsen (back-up story)
artist: Colton Worley (main story), Cezar Razek (back-up story)
covers: Lucio Parrillo (a), Ben Templesmith (b)
subscription cover: Michael Adams (Action Figure Variant)
incentive cover: Colton Worley (Character Design Sketch Artboard), Ben Templesmith (“Virgin Art”)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $4.99 • Teen+
Something bad is coming. Something that could kill Heaven and Hell and the Earth itself: The Godeater. And the only thing standing its way is… Evil Ernie? We’re probably all screwed. Dynamite Entertainment proudly welcomes Justin Jordan, the Harvey Award-winning writer of such horror hits as The Strange Talent of Luther Strode and Shadowman, as he debuts the all-new “Godeater” storyline, an event so epic in scope, it promises to shake the very foundations of the Chaos! universe!
EVIL ERNIE #1 comes jam-packed with additional content! As if one potential doomsday wasn’t enough, Dynamite delves into the Chaos mythology in “Last Ditch Bitch,” a serialized back-up feature that introduces Liv Halvorsen, lead singer of a Scandinavian Death Metal band… and an unwitting pawn in Ragnarok! Plus, this issue will include an in-depth interview with Justin Jordan about Evil Ernie, the Chaos! Comics universe, and more!