It’s time once again for you to select the next trade paperback we review for the Major Spoilers Podcast!
Bill and Teds Triumphant Return
Bill and Ted must now fulfill their destiny to become the inspiration for galactic harmony, but at what cost! In an adventure of epic proportions, one change to the future will set the Wyld Stallyns on a time-travelling odyssey of music, villainy, history, and excellence!
Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth
The inmates of Arkham Asylum have taken over Gotham’s detention center for the criminally insane on April Fools Day, demanding Batman in exchange for their hostages.Accepting their demented challenge, Batman is forced to live and endure the personal hells of Joker, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Two-Face and many other sworn enemies in order to save the innocents and retake the prison.During his run through this absurd gauntlet, the Dark Knight’s own sanity is placed in jeopardy.
Tokyo Ghost
The Isles of Los Angles 2089 – Humanity is addicted to technology. Getting a virtual buzz is the only thing left to live for, and gangsters run it all. And who do these gangsters turn to when they need their rule enforced? Constables Led Dent and Debbie Decay are about to be given a job that will force them out of the familiar squalor of LA and into the last tech-less country on Earth: The Garden Nation of Tokyo.
Superman Batman Generations
This incredible tale follows the exploits of Batman and Superman as they meet in the late 1930s and encounter each otheralong with colourful menaces including the Joker and Mr. Mxyzptlkacross the decades. Along the way, as the two heroes establish their own families, the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight pass on their missions and names to a new generations of heroes: their own sons and daughters!
Everything is better with Batman!
Bill and Ted. Do it for Rodrigo!
Tokyo Ghost sounds intriguing…
Bill and Ted. Because I have to know how their saga ends.
Bill and Ted obviously. Who doesn’t love those guys? I mean their adventures are totally bogus and excellent!
I’m a sucker for “stranger in a strange land” stories, so Tokyo Ghost sounds right up my alley according to the blurb.