Sure, we’d all love to be adopted son or daughter of Bruce Wayne, or the ward of Matt Murdock. Heck, as long as you kept your room clean and had dinner on the table on time, Bruce Banner could even be a good parent. When it comes to great parents, with a super dynamic, two spring to mind; The Parrs (The Incredibles) and The Richards (Fantastic Four). Given the choice, which parents would you like to have?
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The Parrs, no question. Not for any superhero reasons, I just feel I would have a more stable home life with the Parrs than I would with the Richards. Sure, Reed could make me robot friends to play with and I’m sure Johnny and Ben would be great Uncles (Just because Ben isn’t a blood relative doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be part of the family), but Helen and Bob would be better at being actual parents. Sure, their kids fought, but that is what kids do (I’m an adult and I STILL annoy my big sister as often as I can. How else would she know I loved her?). In the grand scheme, I think Violet and Dash turned out a fair shake better than most versions of Franklin did.
Remember when Sue became Malice and wore the weird S&M outfit? I don’t want to see my mom in a weird S&M outfit. I feel like that sort of thing is a lot less likely to happen with the Parrs, so I’ll go with them.
Being a kid in the Marvel Universe sounds crazy dangerous so I’ll have to go with the Parrs.
Reed Richards may be brilliant, but he’s also kind of a dick. He has a history of making HUGE decisions with absolutely no idea of how they will impact people around him (See Civil War and his brief rule of Latveria). Bob Parr may not be a genius, but he is all heart!
I just want to have the a Thing as my uncle.
The Parr’s seem like the better family especially at the end of the movie. Sue seems like a great mom but Reed is too smart and is always off inventing some device though it would be fun but dangerous going on adventures.
While I like the Parrs as a family, those two would drive me crazy as my parents, they’re way too freakn normal for super powered people. I’ll take a geek dad and a strong but understanding mom any time. Also, blue is totally my color.
Although they have changed colors before, like the white costumes they have for the Future Foundation.
I voted for the Parrs, but I think the real point of consideration is how the relationship will change as you age. With the Parrs, they’re for the most part normal or at least trying their best to blend in. The Richards, on the other hand, not only go to different planets, they go to different dimensions. As a young child, I think the comfort of public school with a slight sprinkling of weirdness would allow me to grow up healthy. However and therefore, I would eventually out-grow my parents. Coming face-to-face with Annihilius as a kid would make me crap my pants. Although, if I did survive my childhood, I would probably be one awesome super hero.
Parrs=poor. Need the latest IPhone, Reed could build you something 100 times better in his sleep. I’m a kid who wants cool stuff.
Despite my name being Reed, I’m going to go with the Incredibles. I don’t know much about the Richards as a family unit, so I’m going with the family that I know has proven to be effective as a family.
I love The Incredibles. It was one of those movies that laid on the coffee table for months until I finally watched it and fell in love with it and the family dynamic.