Deck building games seem to be all the rage these days, and Catalyst Games has announced it is bringing the Valiant Universe to your table top.
If your ears have perked up, here’s the short description of the game:
You command an organization—the Harbinger Foundation, the Renegades,
Project Rising Spirit, and more—attempting to seize a secret Alcatraz base known as the Facility. Purchase cards to craft a unique deck, and battle your way through the ever-changing Facility grid that moves during play to gain access to a card or damage another player. Maneuver your superhero miniatures to battle it out with other superheroes for ultimate control!
Catalyst Games does admit that the game builds upon the upcoming Valiant Universe RPG book, Transcendent’s Edge, and unlike other deck building games, this one will have you moving characters around a board, or grid, or something.
If you want to check out the game mechanics, there is a print and play for Installation 42 from Team Weasel, that you can check out.
However, we worked heavily with them and while the main core of that game still survives, it’s been thoroughly worked over to be have what we hope is smoother game play that really provides a wonderful Valiant experience along the way of just a fun evening of gaming. And not only does it still retain that unique mobile board element, but as I roll out more of these behind-the-scenes work on this game I’ll reveal the other unique element in this game as well.
Valiant Universe the Deck Building Game is expected to arrive next summer – perhaps during GenCon?