Titan Comics announced today that it is teaming with BBC Worldwide to bring the adventures of the fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith to comic books!
Entitled ‘Gaze Of The Medusa’, the five-part series will hit stores in March 2016 and will be penned by Gordon Rennie (Missionary Man, Judge Dredd) and Emma Beeby (Witch Hunter, Judge Dredd) with art by Brian Williamson (The Twelfth Doctor, Spider-Man, X-Men).
The all-new adventure is set in Victorian England, where a mysterious woman commands a hidden army in a house of the blind. Scryclops stalk the streets…and something alien and terrible screams from prehistory – with a hunger that cannot be satisfied!
The series features the likeness of Tom Baker as The Doctor, which will make a lot of fans super happy. Issue #1 arrives in March 2016, and will feature a number of variant covers by Brian Williamson, Jay Gunn and Matt Baxter, with the main cover by Alice X. Zhang.
via Titan Comics