Check out this early look at Red Sonja #18 from Dynamite Entertainment.
Red Sonja #18
Gail Simone (w)
Walter Geovani (a)
Jenny Frison, Adriana Melo (c)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+
Jenny Frison B&W Art retailer incentive cover
Adriana Melo B&W retailer incentive cover
Gail Simone concludes her epic run on Red Sonja with the most heart-wrenching event in the life of our heroine! Face-to-face with the man she hates and distrusts most in the world, Red Sonja hears – for the first time ever – his side of the story. The last survivor of the craven murderers who wiped out her tribe finally comes clean at the end of Sonja’s blade. But then… something wholly shocking and unexpected happens. Nothing will prepare you for what’s to come, as Sonja’s infamous blood rage comes to a boil!