In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Podcast: We meet some familiar faces.
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Hi Stephen,
I am about halfway through this episode, Great by the way, but during the meeting with Mrs.DuThane the audio cuts out to the major spoilers podcast announcement that begins every episode. Just thought you should know. Otherwise I really like where this season seems to be headed already… Great work on this podcast.. Thanks for everything you guys do!
Do you have a timestamp on that? I’m listening to the conversation with Mrs. Duthane and can’t find it.
you know what, i went back into it and it did not happen again that was really weird maybe it was a glitch on my phone… Nevermind good sir carry on.
When Stephen asked Brian a question I was so happy, “Yay Brian is back! *fails his 1st attack* Yay Brian is DEFINITELY back XD”.
Then Matthew made a comment and all was right with the (Natural) world once again!
Finally, the statue has being made, RIP Smith.
P.S. No sound problems at all in this episode, great job.
Hurray, Randus is back! With a fail on his first role! Good to know that not everything changed! Seriously, it’s my first time commenting on this new season. Great job so far. Love the new characters. But i’m sad for Torq. Poor Torq. But will we see Smith come back????? Keep up the good work guys (and gals)!
Best. Icons. Ever.
Little Sparkle uses Low Slash!
It’s super effective!
Well it is pretty clear to me that the assassins know Smith and Torq from the statues which don’the explain their fates.
Welcome back Brian and Matthew!
I can’t wait to find out more about this “dark force” that was threatening Diamond Throne, and how Randus was able to stop it. I wonder if the threat in Diamond Throne and Tuberville we one and the same? If so, and Randus thwarted it, I imagine that defeating Asmodeus’ forces would cause some tension between Randus and Ket, should the latter ever return. Of course, this is all just me guessing, I’m probably way off!
I also can’t wait to see how the party interacts with the new characters. It should be lots of fun when we revisit in two weeks. Wish I could go to Nerdtacular too!
Thanks for this, my favorite podcast.
assuming he lived, remember Asmodeus ordered him to stay with Orem and he isn’t the most forgiving of evil Gods, Ket may likely not be in any possition to do anything to anyone.
This season starting plot line will be partially revealed once we figure out who or what is Professor Lek and what is his relation to the old party.
For all we know it’s one of Thony’s alias, a name Ket used before the whole Goblin alley tourney, simply an aquaintence they met and didn’t know their true name or even someone new who gave the Torqletons names as associates so they would target them and leave him alone.
I mean all you would need is to got Diamond Throne to learn of theses heroes from their statues, figure they are tough enough to at least slow down anyone after you, then spread the word you’re with them and since they are not particularly in hidding they are targeted a head of yourself.
Instant breathing room!
I have a new favorite player. I can’t wait for her to tell Rob what to do on his turn.! Honestly I love when players are confident mechanically ( especially in 4e!). And Little Sparkle is a pleasure to visualize partially because of her discription during gameplay. Great work!!
Welcome back guys! This ep. was a jem!
It didn’t even cross my mind that the Fly People were wearing gas masks until it was mentioned in this episode. Am I the only one to miss that?
Randus!!! And Matthew! And Smith’s statue! This episode was FANTASTIC!
Excellent episode.
Little Sparkle is actually a striker being a striker. The controller did controller things. What is happening to the universe?
Orem’s sword may be my favorite character.
Did anyone catch Matthew’s characters name?
I’m guessing he’s a human warden by the sounds of it but maybe going along the lines of an elemental warrior rather than a ‘one with nature’ kind of gig which is great!
I’m not sure if the dude with the bandana in the ‘who will join?’ pic is him but it’s likely, also did he summon his armor by smashing his swords together?
Can’t wait to here more…
Ignore me… I can see from the images…
….welcome Sekhar!
My guess he is a storm warden (not sure if that is what they are called I just like to call them that). Definitely a warden of some sort because that mark he has is very warden like. Great to see a warden on the podcast again! One of my favorite classes!
I can’t wait to hear how he fits into the story, and what his relationship to Randus is, since they arrived together.
Thony is Professor Lek. He used a pod of casting to record Arkobus’ voice, killed him, and turned him into an Arkobus mech with a voice modulator. While Smith was being prepared for the ceremonial Tesla coil, Thony took a lock of his hair to prepare a resurrection spell. To protect the party, Thony tells them that he died of old age.
If you listen back to when the players ask about Thony, Arkobus sounds a very different than he did in previous episodes.
This is why I believe Thony actually took over Arkobus’ body and is now either the villain or the only hope the world has to stop the Queen’s rebellious daughter, Living quarters and Resplendent Tiger from destroying the Plane of Dreams.
*boomp boomp*
I think Sekhar is a coil. It’s the latest in the program that started with the robot the party met when they visited the robots. I can’t remember the name, the guys who had the Living Quarters. Damn, it’s been a while since I’ve listened to those episodes.
Anyway, Sekhar is an advanced one of those! I’m sure! He’s out being tested with Randus.
Cog! He’s from the exelarchy of cogs!
That’s what I meant. Not coil, cog!
Lots of awesome theories going around. A lot of people believe Lek = Thony. I’m guessing that Rodrigo won’t be so easily figured out. One thing I am predicting now though, is that we probably haven’t seen the last of Spud.
I wonder if Randus is gay.
Honestly I don’t care, but I doubt it. There has been no issue with alternative sexuality in the game, so there would be no reason for Randus to be secretive about it.
Though that would be super cute in its own way, I think he’s just sort of adorably aspie. :)
Considering that Randus is not even technically a human anymore, I’m afraid his mom’s attempts at getting him a girl of the same species are doomed :)
Unless he is still a human in universe