During the Cup O’ Joe panel, Marvel announced it is planning a new Star Wars crossover event featuring Darth Vader.
The mini-series will feature the creative talents of Kieron Gillen, Jason Aaron, Salvador Larocca, and Mike Deodato, and tells the story of what happens when Darth Vader gets trapped behind enemy lines and must fight his way across the Rebel army to get back to the Empire.
The “crossover” happens between the Darth Vader book and the main Star Wars title. I know it probably seems normal, but when the Star Wars book probably features Darth Vader on a regular basis, and the story then ties-in to the Darth Vader book, it seems a little strange (to me) to call this a crossover.
No word yet on when we can expect to see Star Wars: Vader Down arrive on our store shelves, but we still haven’t seen the October solicitations yet.