Writer(s): DeWayne Feenstra
Artist Name(s): Axur Eneas
Cover Artist(s): Axur Eneas & Juan Paul Reibeling (reg), Joel Gomez & Beth Sotelo (var)
As Aero-Girl, Jacqueline Mackenzie is the protector of Foxbay. As the sidekick to Battle Jack, her father, her life couldn’t be any better; but tragedy is just around the corner! Will she be ready to defend her city against the evil of Dr. Chimera and his army of AniMen? Can Aero-Girl be the hero she (and her father) always dreamed of being? Variant Cover by Joel Gomez & Beth Sotelo Limited to 1500 copies.
32 pgs./All ages/ FC $3.99 (reg.) / $4.99 (var.)
1 Comment
Good to see Action Lab pick this up – I backed both Kickstarters & really enjoyed both issues. I hope it can reach a larger audience this way.